Fuel System

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1. This section is an overview of the high pressure fuel system for the injected engine. This system is twice the complexity of the original Exec configuration. The fuel tanks had to be changed due to the type of bottom feed connector. For more pictures of any particular installation please refer to the Builder's Log link on the home page.

2. These are the components before I started. Two Bosch fuel pumps, fuelshutoff valve (RWI) and Aeroquip hose kit. The hoses that were provided by RWI were not of good quality. They were unusual in that the fitting size was larger than the hose size? This is not aviation standard. I replaced most hoses with swivel fittings on Aeroquip braided hose. If I ever upgrade another Exec I would just build my own hoses in a similar fashion. This was money double spent!

3. Shown on the sump is the strap that mounts it to the engine mount bolt on one side and the fuel rail on the other. This item should go in last because it takes up a lot of working space. Mount all components on the fuel rail and hold off on all hoses until final assembly. Make sure you protect components from the abrasive braided hoses. The best way I found was to buy some clear vinyl tubing from Lowes, of the proper size, and split it then cable tie it in place at rub areas.

4. Notice how compact this area becomes as components are added. The nice thing about the Aeroquip fittings is their ability to swivel into proper non-stressed alignment. Even at Aeroquip prices the entire hose system was cheaper than if purchased from RWI. A product/tool that really helped during the hose assembly process was Kool Tool. I believe it was in the Summit Racing catalogue. By the way I bought all my hose from Summit. You'll find that RWI gets a lot of component parts from them as well!

5. Looking up at the fuel pumps you'll notice the simplicity of the installation. These pumps are Bosch and are used on Volvos. They can be purchased through any dealer or NAPA for @$100 each vice @$300 from RWI. I found this price mismatch rampant during my rebuild of all OEM type parts. In the fuel system everything can be locally obtained except for the fuel shutoff valve and the tanks.

6. The inertia switches are mounted on the forward side of the mast structure. There is a test rountine you should do before final install which is adequately described in the instructions. It is very important to insure that the harness doesn't interfere with any moving parts especially in a cog system. There is also a return fuel line from the regulator that connects to the tank vent crossover hose. Make sure the crossover line is lower than the top tank fittings and that all hoses clear moving components.

7. The fuel shutoff valve is controlled by a simple cable to the cockpit with a tee handle. This should be located conveniently so it can used in an emergency if the inertia switches fail. When routing the cable insure that it doesn't interfere with the control mechanisms under the seat tub. Another lesson learned is to not tightly secure any of the Teleflex control cables with Adel clamps. These cables need to flex and slide.